Ceph Tracing
Ceph Tracing allows you to analyse cephalometric radiographs and create progress superimpositions quickly and accurately.
Tracing a cephalometric radiograph has traditionally been one of the most tedious and time consuming parts of any cephalometric exam. While the initial X-ray can be completed within minutes, the post X-ray analysis can take much longer.
A cephalometric tracing can be produced either by digital means or by the more traditional hand-drawing method, and it results in a superimposed drawing over the original cephalometric radiograph.
Cephalometric tracings outline the particular measurements, landmarks, and angles that medical professionals need to use a ceph in treatment.
As many know, hand tracing is not only time consuming but runs an enormous risk of inaccuracies due to inevitable human errors.
Many doctors have now turned to electronic tracing as a way to save time and reduce errors.